Sunday, November 14, 2010

Professional Advice

"The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client." The Professional.

Recently I emailed a previous professional industrial designer co-worker of mine, Om Suthar, about advice in the industry. Specifically I inquired:

1. Where does your inspiration come from?
2. What's your favorite part of the design process and why?
3. When you get burnt out on a project what do you do to revitalize your energy again?

He responded:

1. My inspiration comes from all forms of observation. Mostly things I see in everyday life. Down to even people watching. I find things I see in everday life very interesting.

2. My favorite part of the design process is the most gruesome part as well. Its refining a design and working with marketing and engineers to create the most formidable solution. There is alot of expectation management between people in the projects as well as the product itself. This makes for a really interesting fusion that makes or breaks your project.

3. I think its very easy to become myopic in the depths of a design process. I like to step back and take a look at things from the 30,000 view just to make sure whatever I am working on fits the macro view. I usually just walk away, and just mingle with other departments, or research some new tech/materials/ products. Something to just refresh my mind.

His responses really help me know I'm going in the right direction. I think that by watching people all around us is a great way to get inspiration, and see what TRULY needs fixed. Also, I really like the idea of looking into new materials, technology, and products when you become burnt out on a project. I think always looking to the future for inspiration is great because it will never run out.

"UNLESS. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not." Dr. Seuss

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