Thursday, November 18, 2010

"You're a wizard Harry!"

Changing staircases, flying brooms, platform 9 3/4, wizard chess, dungeons, Hagrid's pets, wormwood and trolls all live in the magical world of Harry Potter. Today at midnight, Harry Potter and the Deathly Howls: Part 1 appears in theaters across the nation. Many will dress up in ridiculous outfits screaming nonsensical words, pretending someone turned into a frog, or fish. Others will be eating jelly beans that taste like 'earwax' for 'fun.' Harry Potter went from a last minute resort for JK Rowling, to a worldwide sensation.

Although we can learn one thing from her- when desperate times come, go to Starbucks and write an amazing tale of a boy who discovers he's a world famous wizard... but we can also learn something else. We can learn to use our imagination more, and push the limits. As designers we are required to push the limits with our imagination, however sometimes we can get stuck in the boring daily routine we have grown accustom to, and forget about the land of imagination. What if you really could take the old broom in the closet and fly? How would it work, how would it look? What if you could play chess where you were the pieces? What if brick walls weren't really solid? These are only a few questions films like Harry Potter can help encourage us to create. What if there really was a parallel universe with wizards?

1 comment:

  1. 'arry Potter!!

    I absolutely love how you connected the magical world of Harry Potter to design. The sumer after I turned 11, I waited for my acceptance letter to Hogwarts and it never came... However, when I was 17 I waited for my acceptance letter to DAAP and it did come! So sometimes magic exists... okay I don't think this makes sense. I was just trying to elaborate on your fabulous parallel.
