Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Callie is the name of my chair. I believe in personalizing my products by giving them names. This way I connect more with the product and put more heart and soul into it. Currently my biggest trouble is using Solid works surfaces, however I have faith that if I keep at it, it will come. One thing that's really helping me with my design, is every time I feel like I'm going off track, I look back at my inspiration. Industrial design also known as product design, is about much more than just the look of the product, it's about the experience. (yes back to experiential design). This being said, I believe if you are inspired from a flower, GO BUY THE FLOWER. Calla Lily's are rather expensive I've discovered, however it's worth it. This allows your products to have more then just the look of being inspired, but also the feel. That untangle aspect to every product can turn an alright product into a great product because it feels like it has a soul. So remember, name your designs, it's a great way to truly connect with your creative side. :)

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